It is possible to enlarge the penis

Measure the penis before sizing

The cause of the penis is called masculinity. Genital size very often affects a man's self-esteem and sexual ability in front of a woman, his confidence, masculinity.

The small size of the phallus can cause serious psychological discomfort and develop over time into a subordinate complex.

Some men wonder if they can enlarge their genitals. In fact, the whole list of methods for solving this goal is now given.

Both special means and surgical interventions are used.

Basic technology

Conservative techniques involve performing regular procedures or exercises that stimulate the growth of penile tissues. As a result, it is possible to increase both the length and the circumference of the penis. The results obtained are usually consistent. A small response is not out of the question.


This method of increasing the size of the penis is used at home. It includes performing exercises that are a massage of the penis. Any man can use this technique. The main thing is to have free time. In general, jelking is an ancient technique used by different peoples and tribes for centuries.

The technique is as follows:

  • Reach an erection of about 50%. In the erect state, gelking is contraindicated for use. This threatens to damage the blood vessels in the penis. When over-arousing, you just need to shift your focus to reduce the erection.
  • To reduce trauma, some lubrication should be applied to the skin and the penis itself. It is not advisable to use shampoo or soap - they dry the skin.
  • The base of the penis should be held to connect the index and the finger more tightly, and then the penis should be pulled down. The movements are performed with the same intensity along the entire length of the penis. They are made only from the base and only go to the head.
  • Periodically need to change hands. Ideally, the procedure is similar to milk.

The deadline is exactly one month. The blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the genitals will be significantly improved during this period.

Stop cargo

This technique was used by the ancient African tribes. Moreover, they started performing procedures from early childhood when the penile yokes are elastic enough. Systematic exposure to the load usually changed the length of the genitals. The thickness remained the same. True, this technique can not be safely called. There is a high risk of serious injury from excessive consumption. It is important to prepare the penis before the procedure.

Initially done by hand massage. Then a special device is fixed on it, on which the load is further attached. Penis lengthening starts with small loads. Their weight is gradually increasing. After completing the exercises, the structure is removed. Then repeat the hand massage. This improves the blood supply to the cavernous body.

Then the structure is attached again. Repeat the exercise with a lot of weights. To achieve the desired result, this technique has long been used. It is used standing, sitting or lying down. However, we must understand that this method is traumatic and time consuming, so it is rarely used.

Using an extender

A modern alternative to hanging is an extender. This method allows you to increase the penis in both thickness and length. Moreover, extenders are not traumatic. They are rightly recognized as one of the most effective techniques. The principle of operation is quite simple, and the price is reasonable. There are three main types of such devices: loopback, universal, and belt.

Working with an extender is the least inconvenient and safe. The result remains forever. It is enough to wear an extender for four to five hours a day. The action of such a device is due to the natural reaction of the body to the corresponding mechanical action. New cells are formed in the tissues of the genital organ. As a result, the penis expands. Once the biological cells have a three-dimensional structure, the penis will become both longer and wider.

It is necessary not to fix the penis too tightly without cutting it. When choosing a degree of tension, you should pay attention to special serifs. For the first few weeks, wearing an extender should be kept to a minimum. Then the load gradually increases. During the day the extender should be worn for at least four hours. Fifteen minutes break is required every hour. The result will depend on how regularly the device is used and how well the instructions are followed.

Use ointments and creams

A common method of enlarging the penis is to use special creams and ointments. Their use is reduced to the usual use of genital joints. Before buying such drugs, it is advisable to study their composition, get acquainted with the peculiarities of their action and the presence of side effects.

For short-term enlargement of the penis, some creams are used to overcome internal complexes, for long-term effect - others. The first works for several hours. They make a man more confident in an intimate relationship. The latter allows you to increase the width and length of the penis. You should use such creams for at least a month. Their action is due to the increase in blood flow. Because of this, the tissues of the penis grow and regenerate. Such drugs are widespread, easy to use, and the effect usually lasts forever.

Vacuum pump

This method of manually enlarging the penis is quite effective. This allows you to change both the length and diameter of the penis. Moreover, a vacuum pump is used to treat erection problems. The principle of operation is to create a certain vacuum directly in the cylinder cavity. This stimulates the extra flow of blood to the penis, resulting in an enlarged penis.

Tablet preparations

Many men avoid penis enlargement surgery. Then biologically active additives come to the rescue. They allow you to improve the blood supply to the genitals of the genitals. This ensures an increase in the thickness and width of the penis. The preparations are based on herbaceous grass and goat horn weed, ginseng and ginggo katuaba extract, dwarf palm and damiana leaves, inosine, cayenne pepper, dodge seeds and hawthorn, vitamin B3 and E. Manufacturers say up to 25%.